Monday, January 28, 2008

Time for a New Semester

The blogs last semester generated a lot of good feedback from students. A few even promised to keep them up. We shall see.

So this semester started two weeks ago, and now I am excited to have 50 new students, an absolute mix of majors and classifications, more upper-level students this semester than I had last time.

The "honeymoon" beginning of each semester is like a breath of fresh air. Here's to working towards making the whole semester a great adventure.

(Ha! Not one parenthetical side comment!)

Zen & the Art of Blogging

Looking around at readings this morning, I found this great blog:

It has a number of interesting articles, including one on five grammar mistakes that make you look dumb and this one on Zen and the Art of Remarkable Blogging. The story of the origin of Zen (comes at the end of the posting) is great and is very true in the professional can find dozens of people willing to talk an issue to death (and not listen much, either) but finding someone who will help with the action (write the report, prepare the proposal, etc.) is more of a challenge. Everyone is too busy...doing what? Practicing the Thriller dance in preparation for their YouTube video?

(I think I have an issue with parenthetical commentary addiction.)